Experiential Tourism – Lion tracking in Queen Elizabeth National park.

Queen Elizabeth National Park is listed among the most visited national parks following its rich Eco system. The park formerly was known as kazinga channel before the visit of Queen Elizabeth and it was renamed after her in 1954. It was opened in 1952 when the 2 game reserves of Lakes George and Edward were joined to form the Kazinga National Park. Queen Elizabeth National park is among Uganda’s oldest national parks and UNESCO world heritage site among other national parks in Uganda.

Queen Elizabeth National park is a home to various mammals, primates ,reptiles and predators which include lions, leopards, elephants, Nile crocodile, Uganda kob, buffaloes and chimpanzees in kyambura game reserve among others. The Eastern side, Kasenyi track is known for the many prides of lions whereas the southern sector of ishasha is Well know for the famous tree climbing lions usually seen resting up in the Fig tree.

Experiential tourism was introduced in Queen Elizabeth to track down the number of lions in the northern Kasenyi plains. Lion tracking involves researchers who learn more about the behavior structure of lions under Uganda carnivore project –Uganda wild life authority the whole process of lion tracking involves use of Radio collars while the chips are attached to the lions during tracking. Lions live in prides of 3-35 individuals, the trackers help to allocate them at the time and are easily identified.

Lion tracking is done twice a day in the morning and late evening hours. Trackers are given 1-3 hours to see lions with the help of guides who have tracking devices to spot the location of lions since they wander and roam around. It is very important to be keen during lion tracking, Male lions have thick mane around the neck while females are slightly brighter and big in size than the males. Lions are tracked basing on their vocals (loud roars) and bent bushes.

Cost of lion tracking permits

Lion tracking is a research project under Uganda wild life authority, therefore there is a limited number of people permitted for the experience.

Lion tracking permits cost usd 60 only and 100,000 Uganda shillings for citizens. The cost includes park entry fees for Queen Elizabeth. It’s advisable to book permits in time like 6 months before the tracking since the number of participants is limited.

Queen Elizabeth National park can be accessed by road or Air transport. From Kampala –Mubende- Fort portal at a distance of 410 kilometers 4-5 hours’ drive whereas through Mbarara -Kasese it’s at a distance of 420 kilometers approximately 6-7 hours. Alternatively there are charter flights landing at different airfield, these include Ishasha, Kasese and Mweya airfield.

 Queen Elizabeth National park is arrived at from Kampala by air or by road. From Kampala, this park can be reached from the south through Mbarara – 420 kilometers or the north driving through Fort Portal – 410 kilometers. 3 airstrips serve this Park including Kasese, Ishasha plus Mweya airfield.

Other activities in Queen Elizabeth national park include;

Cultural encounters from the neighboring communities and tribes within the park. You will be able to see the energetic dances of the kikorongo Equator Cultural Performers, meet the agriculture villagers who have handmade crafts, have traditional huts, villagers carrying out salt mining and so on. This activity is mostly done by community guides who make the trip memorable.

Birding is one of the amazing activities which mostly bird lovers take much interest in seeing birds. Queen Elizabeth national park has over 600 bird, some are seen in forests of kyambura gorge and other water bird species. These birds include flamingos, long tailed Cormorants, African Jacana, Yellow backed Weavers, open-billed Stork, Water-Thick knee, pied kingfishers, Wattled Plovers, the Black Crake and the Knob-billed Ducks among others.

Chimpanzee tracking is done in kyambura gorge and kalizu forest. Chimpanzees are thrilling creatures sharing 97% DNA with human beings. The gorge is a stunning escarpment not only home to the chimpanzees but also other primates and mammal species as well bird species. Other primate species include Baboons, vervet monkeys, grey cheeked Mangabeys, black and white colobus monkeys and red tailed monkeys.

Game drive and viewing, the most rewarding activity in Queen Elizabeth national park is a game drive with chances to spot more animal species on the game. On the game drive there are chances to spot four of the big games including Lions, leopards, buffaloes and Elephants. Other mammal species include kobs, warthogs, bush bucks, water bucks among others.  Tourists have an opportunity to choose from morning, afternoon and evening game drives.

Launch cruise along mweya peninsula with chances to spot school of hippos, Nile crocodiles and water bird species including the rare shoe bill stock, pelicans, African fish eagles among others, while sailing on kazinga channel you will be able to see Elephants, herd of buffaloes and water bucks along the shores.

Africa Tours Adventure will organize Lion Tracking Experiential activity that can be combined with other wild life safaris including gorilla tracking in Bwindi forest national park or Volcanoes in Rwanda.

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